Sheets Page
Size – This section specifies the width and height of the sheet.
Quantity – This is the total number of this specific sheet size the business has.
Priority – This section is to prioritise certain sheet sizes over others to be used for nesting, sheets with lower priority numbers will be used first (e.g., 1 will be used before 5).
Rolling Direction – This section specifies the grain direction of the sheet.
Margins (L, B, R, T) – Enter the margins from the edge of the sheet (Left, Bottom, Right and Top)
Add – This option will add a new sheet.
Import – This option is used to import a pre-drawn sheet. More information on this option is below.
Delete – This option will delete a sheet from the list.
Importing Irregular Sheets
Choosing to import a sheet, the user can select 2D geometry files (.dxf .geo or .fx) which define the outline and pre-cut holes of the sheet. The 2D geometry files must contain exactly one outer contour. It can also contain some inner contours which will be treated as pre-cut holes. When nesting, the software will ensure that no parts intersect with the defined pre-cut holes. A preview of the imported sheet geometry is shown at the right bottom corner of the sheets tab.
Skeleton Cuts -The cut will be able to create skeleton cuts as expected for such non-rectangular sheets.
Nesting tip – One of the nesting algorithms cannot deal with non-rectangular sheets or sheets with holes. So, it will be switched off when nesting on such sheets. However, if it is a rectangular sheet with holes only in the margins, then all nesting algorithms/strategies will be active, and the user is guaranteed the best result. If the user wants to cut round holes into the sheet to be used by DetectLine for measuring sheet position, these should be in the margin area for good automatic nesting results.
Export remainder sheet(s) – Any remainder sheet created in cut can now be exported as a .dxf or a .geo file from the Layout glob. These files can later be imported into a new nesting job.