Sheet Handling
Sheet loading method – Depending on the machine and extras, this option is to set up how a sheet will be loaded onto the machine. The options include; manual, pallet changer and various options for Lift Master.
Loading corner – This option is used to set up which corner of the sheet will be loaded into the machine first when using a lift master. The options include; Bottom left, Bottom right, Top right, and Top left.
Measure sheet position – This option is used to set up whether the sheet is to be measured. The options are either; don’t measure or with height regulation.
Measuring corner – When the measure sheet position is set to ‘With height regulation’, this setting is used to set up where the sheet will be measured from. The options include; Bottom left, Bottom right, Top right, and Top left.
Sheet Loading Position
X & Y -These settings are used to set up the sheet loading position in the X and Y axis of the machine. This can be between 0 > 10000 millimetres
Sheet Loading Tolerance
Max. sheet loading error in X – Maximum error in loading the sheet on the table along the X direction.
Max. sheet loading error in Y – Maximum error in loading the sheet on the table along the Y direction.
Max. sheet loading angle error – Maximum angle error in loading sheet on the table.