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Once a part has been tooled, the part can be nested on a sheet using the Quick-nest option in the workflow. Alternatively, use the shortcut key N to jump straight to the Nest screen and sequencing is automatically calculated. To nest a single part on a sheet, hold the shift key whilst clicking on the Quick-nest option. To alter the sheet and nesting settings before nesting, select the window icon next to the Quick-nest option or hold the Ctrl key and again click the Quick-nest option.


Sheet Size – This setting inputs the parameter of the sheet size (Width+Height) to be used for nesting.

There’s also an option to change the sheet size to roughly fit the parts nested on the sheet. When the user clicks near the sheet edge, the layout glob opens up. A button ‘Change sheet size…’ is included in the glob to get into a special mode to edit the sheet size.

This special mode is turned on by default in the layout glob. The sheet resize icon on the top right corner is the dragging corner of the sheet. Users can click on this corner and drag it to modify the sheet size. The nesting corner of the sheet will be fixed but the dragging corner can be moved to define the new width and height of the sheet. Alternatively, users can also enter the exact values of the sheet width and height in the glob provided.

Sheet Margins – These four parameters (top, left, right and bottom) are to input the margins from the edge sheet to where the nesting of parts can start.

Rolling Direction – This is to select the grain direction of the sheet.

  • None – The sheet has no grain restriction.
  • Horizontal – Grain aligned with horizontal direction (X)
  • Vertical – Grain aligned with the vertical direction (Y)


Spacing Between Parts – This option is to specify the spacing between the parts in the nest.
Nest Start Corner – This setting is to determine which corner of the sheet to start nesting parts.
Try Rotating Part 90 Degrees – Enabling this option will try rotating parts by 90 degrees to try and increase sheet packing and utilisation

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