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Part Placement

When a job has been nested, it is still possible to make modifications to the parts. Selecting a part will display placement features.

The pink centre point found on a part once selected can offer some positioning and additional features. These include:

  • Click to start moving
  • Ctrl + click to copy
  • Ctrl + mouse wheel to rotate
  • Shift + Click for twin-line placements
  • Alt + Click to mirror up/down
  • Alt Shift + Click to mirror left/right

The pink corner points found on a part once selected can also have some additional features. These include:

  • Click and drag to repeat the part
  • Shift + Click for twin-line

Edit Tooling – This option will bring the part to be edited individually. More information on the editing options for a part can be found in the Workflow>PART section of the knowledge base.
Delete – This option will delete the part from the nest.
Angle – This states the current angle of the part, editing the angle option will modify the angle of the part.
Left, Bottom, Right, Top – This states the current position of the part in the nest, editing these positions will move the part around the layout.
Layout – This is a navigational switch which will display the Layout dialogue for editing the layout.
Toggle – This will highlight all the other parts in the layout bar the one first selected.
Similar – This will highlight all similar parts in the layout.
Same Parts – This will highlight all of the same parts in the layout.
Similar Parts in Row – This will highlight all similar parts in the same row.
Similar Parts in Column – This will highlight all similar parts in the same column.

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