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Parts Page

Name – This is the file name of the part.
Size – This is the width and height of the part.
Quantity – This is the required quantity of the part. A minimum and a maximum quantity for the part can be stated by separating the two values with a hyphen. For example, 10-20 means at least 10 copies of this part will be nested, but not more than 20.
Priority – Parts with a lower priority number are preferably nested before parts of a higher priority number. Parts with a priority number of 0 have the opposite effect. They are of the least priority.
Rotation – This is the rotation angle to be used in the nest.
Part Grain Pref. – Required grain direction on the part. Select ‘None’ for no preference. While nesting, the software will place the part in only the orientation that will give the required grain of the part. The rolling direction of the sheet(s) in the Sheets tab must also be specified.
Group – Parts with identical group numbers are placed together. If for some parts group =1 and another group =2, each calculated sheet will contain either group 1 part or group 2 parts but not both. Group 0 parts are treated specifically. They are allowed to be combined with parts of any other group.
Twin Line – This checkbox is to enable whether the part can be twin line against other parts.
Add – Add one or more files. Files can also be dragged and dropped into this tab.
Delete – Remove selected part(s).
Import CSV – Add parts from a CSV file.

Save Part(s) – Save selected part(s) with tooling as .fx files.
Re-Tool All – Recompute tooling of all parts.

The estimated processing time per part of the selected part is shown at the bottom right of the parts table.

CSV Import Detail

The available CSV columns are:

  • File Path
    • Enter the fully qualified path to the cad file.
  • Quantity
    • Example: Enter a Numeric or a minimum max value
    • Example: Entering 10 will nest 10 but entering 10 – 50 will nest a minimum of 10 but no more than 50
  • Priority number
    • The lower the priority the earlier it will nest.
  • Rotation (Free, D90, D180,  D360)
    • Example: D90 will set the nest for this part at 90 degrees.
    • Example: Free will allow the part to be nested at any angle.
  • Grain (None, Horizontal, Vertical)
    • Example: Horizontal will look at the sheet grain and place the part only in a Horizontal direction.
  • Group Number
    • When multiple parts are set to the same number then the nest engine will try and keep them together.
  • Twinline on/off (0=Off, 1=On)
    • Example: Setting this to a value of 1 will allow that part to be twinline / common line nested.
  • Order Name
    • This will assign a reference order name or number to that part.

Example CSV

Would import like below:

Once a CSV file is imported then the contents can be changed by clicking on the relevant field and selecting or entering a new value.

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