Laser Text
Once a job has been created it is possible to add Laser Mark text to parts and/or sheets. Select a part to show the Placement dialogue, and use the navigational switch, Layout, to display the dialogue for editing the current layout. The option Insert Laser Mark will display settings to add the desired text, angle and height.
Once the text, angle and height have been entered, click to place the text in the required position. Multiple clicks will continue to place the text, select done when finished. To modify the laser text, click on the text entity to display the Laser Text dialogue which has the options to edit the text itself, angle, height and the X and Y position on the sheet. While the glob is open, the user can also drag and drop the text to an alternate position. While dragging the text will snap/slide along the part contours for simple positioning.
The preview of the text is an approximation as we are not using the same font as the machine would use.