Detect Line
In the Machine Dialogue, a checkbox to enable DetectLine for all Trumpf laser machines is displayed. When a machine has this option turned on, the Layout glob has an additional button Change Measure Points to add/remove measurement points on the sheets. To find this, go to New Job on the launch screen, then nest any desired parts. Select a part in the nest which will display the Placement dialogue. In this dialogue, navigate to the Layout.
As required by the DetectLine system, only orthogonal corners (outside or inside) and round holes can be selected for detecting lines. Only two measurement points are allowed. If two measurement points are already selected and the user clicks on the third one, then the first one will be deleted. Also, the software does not allow selecting two outside corners for measurement.
Copy Measure Points – Measurement points can be copied across layouts in a job. This switch will copy the currently selected measurement points to all layouts (in the job) that are on the same sheet.
Done – This will close this section of the dialogue.
Combined Measuring
If the option to measure sheet position with height regulation is on for a machine with DetectLine, then TC_SHEET_MEASURE will be called with a SHEET_MEASURE table that sets Measuring type = 10 (measuring at an outside corner with distance regulation.) If the user also selected some measurement points, then there will be a second SHEET_MEASURE table (with the appropriate Measuring type set) and a second call to TC_SHEET_MEASURE
Automatic Selection of Measurement Points
When an imported nest sheet contains round holes with a diameter smaller than 100mm, the software will automatically select them as measuring points for DetectLine. The assumption is that the reason to have such holes on a sheet to be loaded on a machine with DetectLine capabilities is almost always to use them as measurement points.