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Cut Outputs

Report Settings

Layout report template –Defines the location of the report template that must be used to generate the report. The default location points to the template that is shipped along with Cut.
Job report template – Use this to define the location of the job report template.
Report destination – The target location where the setup sheet is saved.

Available Variables:

  • $COMMONDOCUMENTS – Windows standard documents directory
  • $MCID – Machine ID
  • $Output – Standard output directory
  • $PARTDIR – Part files directory
  • $PARTBASEDIR – Common base directory for part files on the layout
  • $PROGRAMDATA – Windows program data directory

Report output format – Preferred print format, HTML or PDF
Released parts CSV destination – Use this to specify the location of the CSV to be saved for released parts.

Code Settings

NC program destination – Set this as the location for all NC Code files to be saved.
Code processor – File path to the post-processor tool (.exe) to run after generating code.
Use TC_WRITE macro to mark text – This option controls whether the etched text uses TC_WRITE or standard G commands. For non-Trumpf machines, the text is always etched using standard G commands. For a machine with a controller which does not support TC_WRITE, the user can uncheck this option at the Machine Defaults level so that the code is always generated without TC_WRITE for that machine. This option is not visible for non-Trumpf machines.

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